BLF Press is an independent Black feminist press dedicated to amplifying the work of Black women and women of color. We strive to create a space for forward thinking, creative women of exceptional talent. We embrace difference, and envision BLF Press as an outlet for the expression of various types of writing that exemplify the experiences of Black women and women of color in the United States.
Stephanie Andrea Allen, Ph.D.
Founder, Publisher, and Editor-in-Chief
Stephanie Andrea Allen, Ph.D., is a native southerner and out Black lesbian writer, scholar, and educator. She founded BLF Press in 2014 while she was still in graduate school, realizing that the challenges that women faced in regards to publishing still existed, (lack of diversity in publishing; the [false] notion that lesbian literature was now “mainstream;” lack of access to agents, editors, and other publishing professionals; and more than anything, the notion that our stories were somehow unworthy or had no literary merit), and decided that she could do something about that.
Stephanie recently co-founded the Black Lesbian Literary Collective, a not-for-profit collective collaborative focused on creating a nurturing and sustainable environment for Black lesbian and queer women of color writers.
Stephanie holds a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue University, an M.A. in English from Auburn University, and a B.A. in English from Columbus State University. She is an Assistant Professor of Gender Studies at Indiana University Bloomington. Her scholarship examines how Black lesbian literature and film responds to and resists the heteropatriarchal systems that contribute to the invisibility of Black lesbians in popular and literary culture.
You can learn more about Stephanie at
Lauren Cherelle
Managing Editor and Creative Director
Lauren Cherelle uses her time and talents to traverse imaginary and professional worlds. She holds a BFA in graphic design, an MBA from the University of Tennessee, and writing certifications from the University of Louisville. In 2016, Lauren co-founded a literary collective for Black lesbian and queer women of color. Her co-edited projects include Solace: Writing, Refuge, and LGBTQ Women of Color, Lez Talk: A Collection of Black Lesbian Short Fiction, and Black from the Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Writing. Her writing reflects the lives of Southern Black girls and women. Join Lauren on Twitter and Instagram: @laurencre8s.You can learn more about Lauren at